środa, 12 marca 2014

Noah: Pierwsze reakcje po obejrzeniu filmu

Światowa premiera odbyła się poprzedniej nocy w Meksyku. Zdania są różne, ale sporo jest tych pozytywnych. Można znaleźć też takie, które wskazują produkcję jako produkt tylko dla "niektórych".

Oto kilka z komentarzy:

"THE FOUNTAIN really is the template for NOAH, at least when it comes to bombast mixed w/ deeper concerns. If you hated THE FOUNTAIN..."

"I think NOAH is going to be one I end up defending a bunch. It's odd and it's flawed but it's ambitious and thoughtful in ways I loved."

"What I wonder is how audiences will take the way Noah himself gets dark. The film doesn't shy from the fact he leaves LOTS of people to die."

"Noah - Aronofsky's take on biblical story is solid, with some amazing scenes + a focus on character above all. Loved most but not all of it."

"Noah is a complicated film, but strong overall. The studio seems lost, but they at least have a good product to figure out how to sell."

"Despite being a bit uneven and too long, Darren Aronofsky's Noah is still a powerful experience with some stunning scenes Noah"

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